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Jan 5, 20233 min read
Time to get your retirement plans in motion?
It’s only natural, in a world where most people are worried about things that are beyond their control – the rising cost of living,...

Nov 14, 20223 min read
Working 9 to 5? More over-65s are still working than six years ago
More people in the UK aged between 65 and 74 are still working compared to six years ago, new research shows[1]. The findings show...

Feb 9, 20222 min read
What is the only type of insurance that can fix you?
People value good health yet over 89% of the UK population does not currently have any form of private medical insurance [1]. Private...

Feb 8, 20223 min read
Time to bring your pensions together?
The more old pensions you have, the easier it is to end up losing one. Tracing pensions from years ago can be a hassle. Over 3.6 million...

Feb 3, 20222 min read
Why cash isn't king when inflation reigns - Is now the time to look for long-term alternatives?
The relentless effect of inflation over time can be detrimental for those keeping large sums in cash and attracting interest at a low or...

Dec 29, 20213 min read
Are you coping with life-changing events?
Change is the only constant in life. It inevitably involves twists and turns, with some that are expected while others may be entirely...

Oct 20, 20213 min read
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Protection should be a core part of your financial plan
When you think of financial planning, pensions and savings will spring to mind. But, whilst often overlooked, protection should be a core...

Oct 12, 20214 min read
Do you know how to trace multiple old pension pots?
Over time, pension schemes close, merge or become renamed. Changed job? Moved house? It’s not always easy to keep track of a pension,...

Oct 7, 20213 min read
Is it time to look at your available options when accessing your pension?
Once you reach age 55, you can access your defined contribution (DC) pension pot. You can take some or all of it, to use as you need, or...

Feb 17, 20212 min read
What is the only type of insurance that can fix you?
People value good health yet over 89% of the UK population does not currently have any form of private medical insurance [1]. Private...

Nov 4, 20202 min read
Do you understand Critical Illness Cover?
Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum on diagnosis of an insured critical illness. It typically covers: heart attack, cancer and...

Oct 9, 20202 min read
Rewritten retirement rules - Looking to discover what you can do with your Pension Pot?
In 2015, the retirement rules were rewritten. The rules, which came into effect from 6 April 2015, have changed the way people take money...

Sep 17, 20204 min read
Take it to the Max - Are you making the most of various pension allowances?
Saving into a pension is one of the most tax-efficient ways to save for your retirement. Not only do pensions enable you to grow your...

Mar 14, 20206 min read
Planning for tomorrow - will my retirement income be enough to live on comfortably?
The questions our clients almost always ask us are: ‘Will I be able to retire when I want to? Will I run out of money? How can I...

Mar 13, 20203 min read
Portfolio Diversification - Have you put all your eggs in one basket?
Portfolio diversification is the foundational concept of investing. It’s a risk management strategy of combining a variety of assets to...

Feb 22, 20206 min read
Last Power of Attorney - Allowing someone to make decisions for you, or acting on your behalf
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) enables individuals to take control of decisions that affect them, even in the event that they can’t...

Jan 13, 20204 min read
Purchase an Annuity - Are you choosing a taxable income for the rest of your life?
You can normally withdraw up to a quarter (25%) of your pot as a one-off tax-free lump sum, then convert the rest into a taxable income...

Dec 11, 20193 min read
How much should you try to save to have a comfortable retirement?
The good news is that the number of people saving enough for a comfortable retirement has hit its highest ever level, with almost three...

Dec 10, 20193 min read
Pension Scammers - Can you spot the warning signs?
Don’t let scammers enjoy your hard-earned pension proceeds. Anyone can be the victim of a pension scam, no matter how savvy they think...

Nov 20, 20192 min read
Do you have a Defined Contribution Pension Pot ?
With a defined contribution pension, you build up a pot of money that you can then use to provide an income in retirement. Unlike defined...
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