Group Personal Pension (GPP)
Automatic Enrolment
We’ll support you through the whole auto enrolment journey. You can rely on our expertise to set the scheme up and make sure it runs smoothly. Our comprehensive range of tools and services will allow you to design, implement and run the right auto enrolment solution.
We believe our Retirement Solution is the complete corporate pension package:
Carefully considered investment choices:
With a sensible, relevant 'default' option for those employees who don't want to make investment decisions. Employees have access to a carefully selected range of options to choose from if the default isn't for them;
First class customer service:
You and your client will have a dedicated team who will be responsible for liaising with you regularly to ensure the smooth running and effective administration of all aspects of your client's pension plan.
Award winning online service:
All the stakeholders of the pension plan can access a wide range of information;
Effective and engaging employee communications:
A range of eye catching communication material that can be used to promote, inform and remind employees about the plan and the benefits of joining. All these elements work together to ensure we offer a complete proposition that meets your needs;
Transfer service
As part of designing your scheme, Garden Wall will advise on how to help members transfer retirement savings from the previous scheme to the new scheme. A servicing team will fully support the transition exercise. They will include:
Providing member factsheets and awareness articles;
Provide access to a pension website;
Support email and telephone queries from workers;
Manage the end to end process for all transfers;
Provide a dedicated contact number;
Default investment fund
An investment default is a critical component in establishing a good DC scheme as highlighted by The Pensions Regulator and the DWP. Investment defaults should be appropriate and suitable for those members who choose not to get involved or make a decision and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it remains a suitable default.
Pension website
Schemes we recommend typically have a pension scheme website providing useful information to workers about their group pension plan. It contains details of how the plan works, auto enrolment, contribution and investment information, what happens at retirement and frequently asked questions. Workers can use online planning tools and log into an online service to manage their plan online.
Members can view the following online:
contribution history and current contribution levels
current fund value
personal details
fund factsheets
Members can carry out the following actions online:
manage opt out / opt in (where applicable for auto enrolment)
change their name and address details
redirect the investment of future contributions
switch existing investment funds
request a benefit statement or a unit statement
request a statement of contributions (i.e. for the tax year)
request illustrations
The employer can view the following scheme management information using Online Service
scheme fund holdings
scheme membership
scheme administration performance against service standards
scheme helpline activity
scheme member online activity
scheme contribution history
scheme and policy valuations
scheme member demographics
Governance reporting
Our Scheme Governance Report gives employers all the management information(MI) they need to analyse their scheme, the membership, the underlying investment performance etc. It's a one-stop shop for everything employers need to confirm their scheme is running well, and also highlights any areas that need their attention.
To review your options for free, please contact Garden Wall
we look forward to hearing from you.
Our services relate to certain investments whose prices are dependent on fluctuations in the financial markets beyond our control. Investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.